Rabu, 21 September 2011

DRAMA (belum di edit)

Cerita ini menceritakan tentang Aulia yang marah terhadap sahabatnya, Faula karena Faula tidak mau memberikan contekan PR Bahasa Indonesia. 5 sahabat yang beranggotakan Windy, Lutfi, Aulia, Abrar dan Dea teman mereka yang berasal dari kelas 8B merasa kasihan kepada Faula dan Aulia. Lalu, mereka berlima membantu menyelesaikan masalah Aulia & Faula sehingga akhirnya mereka berbaikan lagi seperti dulu.

Alvio         berperan sebagai  Alvio
Aulia         berperan sebagai Aulia
Dea           berperan sebagai teman dari kelas 8B sekaligus guru
Faula        berperan sebagai Faula
Ilham        berperan sebagai Ilham/Abrar
Lutfi          berperan sebagai Lutfi
Windy      berperan sebagai Windy

            Pada suatu hari murid-murid kelas 8C sedag belajar pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di dalam kelas pada jam terakhir pelajaran sekolah. Guru Bahasa Indonesia mereka sdang menjelaskan tentang Laporan Perjalanan.

Dea     : “Jadi anak-anak, Laporan Pelajaran adalah karangan yang menguraikan berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan perjalanan….”
Alvio   : “Eh bang, tadi malam lu nonton Mu versus Barca kagak?”
Abrar : “Oh ya!...”
Dea     : “Heh kamu! Perhatikan papam tulis!” (sambil menunjuk Abrar)
Abrar : “Ups, keceplosan.”
All       : “Hahahaha.”
Dea     : “Coba kamu ulangi. Apa itu Laporan Perjalanan?”
Abrar : “…” (Abrar diam membisu. Dia tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan dari gurunya.)
Dea     : “Ya sudah.. sudah…. Oh ya anak-anak. Ibu ada PR buat kalian. Tolong kerjakan LKS Bahasa Indonesia dari halaman 1 – 12. Ada yang mau ditanyakan?”
Faula  : ”Bu, PR nya dikumpulkan kapan?”
Dea     : “PR nya dikumpulkan besok. Ada yang mau bertanya lagi? Kalua tidak ada, sampai disini pembelajaran hari ini. Jangan lupa PR nya di kerjakan ya anak-anak. Assalamualaikum.”
All       : “Waalaikumsalam”
(Lalu Dea pun pergi meninggalkan kelas)
Windy: “Eh, eh, kerjain PR bareng yuk?”
Lutfi    : “Ayuk.. Ayuk..”
Windy: “Kalau Abrar dan Vio gimana? Mau ikut gak?”
Abrar : “Boleh deh.”
Alvio   : “Ayuk.”
Abrar : “Kalua gitu, mau ngerjain PR bareng di rumah siapa?”
Alvio   : “Di rumah gua aja. Gimana?”
Windy: “Ok.”
Lalu mereka pun pergi ke rumah Alvio untuk mengerjakan PR bersama kecuali Aulia dan Faula yang pulang ke rumah masing-masing.

            Keesokan harinya, Aulia dengan terburu-buru berjalan ke kelasnya karena ia belum mengerjakan PRbahasa Indonesia sama sekali. Ternyata, di kelas sudah ada teman sebangkunya yaitu Faula.

Aulia   : “Eh Faula. Aku belum ngerjain PR LKS Bahasa Indonesia nih. Kamu udah ngerjain kan? AKu boleh liat punyamu gak?” (Sambil membuka LKS Bahasa Indonesia miliknya.)
Faula  :  “Kok kamu belum ngerjain sih?”
Aulia : “Iya, kemarin aku ga sempet ngerjain PR. Solanya kemarin aku pergi. Ada urusan keluarga.”
Faula  : “Ohh..”
Aulia   : “Please, aku boleh  liat LKS kamu kan?”
Faula  : “Ih.. gak mau ah. Kamu ngerjain sendiri aja.”
Aulia: “Ayolah tolong aku Faula.”
Faula  : “Kamu ngerjain sendiri aja deh.”
(KRINGGGG… Bel masukpun berbunyi.Guru Bahasa Indonesia pun memasuki kelas)
Dea     : “Asslamaualaikum anak-anak.”
All       : “Waalaikumsalam”
Dea     : “Anak-anak, PR nya tolong di kumpulkan.”
(Lalu, murid-murid pun mengumpulkan LKSnya. Termasuk Aulia. Lalu Bu Dea memeriksa LKS mereka satu persatu.”
Dea     : “Aulia. Kenapa LKS kamu masih kosong?”
Aulia   : “Maaf bu. Kemarin saya tidak sempat mengerjakannya karena saya pergi.”
Dea     : “Ya sudah. Untuk kali ini Ibu maafkan. Tapi, jangan kamu ulangi lagi ya. Sekarang kamu kerjakan LKS nya. Ibu beri waktu 10 menit.”
Aulia   : “Baik bu.”
(Aulia pun kembali ke bangkunya lalu mengerjakan LKS nya. 10 menit berlalu. Aulia pun mengumpulkan LKS nya kepada bu Dea.)
Aulia   : “Ini bu. Sudah selesai.”
Dea     : “Mana? Biar Ibu beri nilai.”
Aulia   : “Ini..”
Dea     : “Ya sudah. Kembali lagi ke tempat duduk mu.”
(Aulia pun kembali ke bangkunya.)
Faula  : “Maaf Aulia. Gara-gara aku, kamu jadi ga ngejain PR dan dimarahin sama Bu Dea.” (Faula merasa menyesal)
Aulia   : “Ya ga apa-apa.” (Dengan wajah jutek nya.)
(KRINGGGGG… Bel istirahat pun berbuyi.)

BABAK 3    

            Pada   jam istirahat Lutfi, Windy, Abrar dan Alvio sedang duduk  sambil berbincang-bincang di meja kantin. Tiba-tiba, teman mereka Dea dari kelas 8B mengahapiri mereka.
Dea     : “Hey…”
All       : “Hey.”
Dea     : “Lagi ngapain nih? Boleh aku ikut gabung, kan?”
Lutfi    : “Boleh dong. Sini, duduk aja.”
Dea     : “Ok.”
Alvo    : “Eh, ngomong-ngomong kenapa ya Faula sama Aulia kayak yang beda gitu. Gak kayak biasanya.”
Lutfi    : “Emang kenapa nanya gitu? Jangan-jangan….”
Alvio   : “Eh.. Eh.. Eh.. Bukan! Cuma nanya aja kok.”
Lutfi    : “Ooohhh.. kirain.”
Dea     : “Memangnya mereka kenapa?”
Abrar : “Mungkin gara-gara gak diterima sama kamu?” (Sambil menunjuk Alvio)
All       : “Hahahaha”
Alvio   : “Ehh.. ngarang aja lo!”
Abrar : “Emang. Hahaha.”
Windy: “Yang aku tau sih.. si Aulia ngambek sama si Faula gara-gara Faula ga mau ngasih contekan PR Bahasa Indonesia ke Aulia. Gitu kayaknya. Tapi gak tau sih.”
All       : “Ohh..”
(Ditengah-tengah pembicaraan mereka, Aulia datang menghampiri mereka)
Aulia   : “Lagi pada ngomongin apa nih?”
Alvio   : “Panjang umur” (membisik Abrar)
Dea     : “Eh Aulia.. Lagi.. Lagi ngomongin tentang pelajaran! Iya kan temen-temen?”
Windy: “Iya.. iya.. iya.. benar! Mau gabung?”
Aulia   : “Emang boleh?”
Lutfi    : “Ya boleh atuh.”
Alvio   : “Ya gabung aja.”
(Alvio dan Abrar pun pergi dari meja kantin mereka. Lalu Faula pun datang)
Faula  : “Hey.. Lagi pada ngapain?”
All       : “Hey.”
Aulia   : “Eh aku ke kelas dulu ya.” (Terlihat kesal karena ada Faula. Alulia pun pergi ke kelasnya.)
Faula  : “Kenapa???”
Dea     : “Gak tau.”
Windy : “Emang ada masalah apa sih?”
Faula  : “Gak tau ahh.”
Lutfi    : “Ihh..” (agak emosi)
Faula  : “ Gara-gara masalah kecil kok. Cuma karena aku gak kasih contekan PR LKS B.Indonesia.”
Dea     : “Ooohh..”
Windy: “Bener kan?” (sambil membisik lutfi.)
Lutfi    : “Kenapa gak dikasih contekan aja coba?”
Faula  : “Ya gak tau ah” (sambil pergi entah kemana)
Lutfi    : “Dasar..”
Windy: “Sabar.. sabar pi.”
Dea     : “Iya.. sesuatu banget ih!”
Lutfi    : “Alhamdulilah yah.”
Windy : “Mulai deh Syahrini nya.”
All       : “Hahahaha.”
(Abrar dan Alvio mengahampiri mereka lagi)
Abrar : “Udah pada pergi?” (sambil melirik-lirik)
Dea     : “Maksudnya Aulia dan Faula?”
Windy: “Udah.”
Dea     : “Memangnya kenapa tadi pas mereka dating kalian pergi?”
Alvio   : “Engga apa-apa kok. Itu sih kebetulan aja.”
Lutfi    : “Ah, masa sih?”
Abrar : “Bener kok. Kebetulan!”
DLW   : “Ohh..”
Dea     : “Eh, gimana kalau kita membuat mereka baikan lagi? Setuju gak?”
Windy: “Setuju.”
Lutfi    : “Setuju.”
Windy: “Kalau kalian gimana?” (sambil menunjuk Alvio dan Abrar)
Abrar : “Kalau aku sih, setuju-setuju aja aja.”
Lutfi    : “Kalau kamu gimana Vio?”
Alvio   : “Ikut aja deh. Biar cepet.”
Dea     : “Ok deh.. Nanti Lutfi &Alvio ngomong sama Aulia, sedangkan aku, Windy & Abrar ngomong sama Faula.”
All       : “OK.”


            Keesokan harinya mereka pun menjalani rencananya. Alvio dan Lutfi mengahampiri Aulia. Sedangkan Dea, Abrar dan Windy menghampiri Faula.

Lutfi    : “Aulia, kita mau ngomong sama kamu.”
Aulia   : “Mau ngomong apa?”
Alvio   : “Tentang kamu sama Faula.”
Aulia   : “Emang kenapa?”
Lutfi    : “Emangnya kamu sama Faula tuh kenapa?”
Aulia   : “Yaaa.. aku kesel sama Faula. Solanya dia gak mau ngasih contekan PR Bahasa Indonesia.”
Alvio   : “Oooh kalau gitu, boleh gak kita bantu nyelesain masalah kalian?”
Aulia   : “Boleh deh. Biar masalahnya cepet beres.”
Lutfi    : “Oh ya udah. Pulang sekolah kita tunggu di lapangan upacara ya.”
Aulai   : “Ok.”
(Sedangkan Dea, Abrar dan Windy menghampiri Faula yang sedang berada di taman sekolah)
Faula  : “Ada apa nih?”
Dea     : “Kia mau ngomong sama kamu, Faula.”
Faula  : “Mau ngomong apa?”
Abrar : “Sebenernya, kmau sama Aulia tuh kenapa?”
Faula  : “Aku kesel banget sama Aulia. Aku udah capek-capek ngerjain PR LKS Bahasa Indonesia, masa dia mau nyontek gitu aja. Nyebelin.”
Windy: “Oooh. Kalau gitu, boleh gak kita ngebantu kamu supaya kamu sama Aulia baikan lagi?”
Faula  : “ Boleh deh.”
Dea     : “Ya udah. Pulang sekolah kita tunggu di lapangan upacara ya.”
Faula  : “OK. Nanti aku ke sana.


            Bel Sekolah pun berdering. Aulia, Lutfi, Alvio, Windy, Faula, Abrar, dan Dea pun berkumpul di lapangan upacara. 5 shabat itu mencoba untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah Aulia dan Faula.

Lutfi : “Aulia, mendingan kamu bilang sama Faula alasan kamu kesel sama dia.”
Aulia   : “Faula, sebenarnya, aku kesel sama kamu, Soalnya kamu gak mau ngasih contekan PR Bahasa Indonesia. Gara-gara gak sempet ngerjain PR nya, aku jadi dimarahin sama guru Indonesia.”
Dea     : “Sekarang gentian. Faula, kenapa kamu bisa kesel sama Aulia?”
Faula  : “Aulia, aku kesel sama kamu. Soalnya, kemarin malam aku udah capek-capek ngerjain PR LKS Bahasa Indonesia. Masa kam mau nyontek gitu aja? Aku kan jadi kesel.Sebenernya bukan karena aku pelit atau gak mau bantuin kamu ya”
Abrar : “Ya udah. Daripada kalian marahan Cuma gara-gara masalah kecil, mendingan kalian saling memaafkan aja. Kan lebih enak tuh.”
Faula  : “Aulia, maafin aku ya gara-gara kemarin aku gak mau bantuin kamu ngerjain PR bahasa Indonesianya. Gara-gara aku, kamu jadi dimarahin sama guru Bahasa Indonesia.”
Aulia   : “Iya ga apa-apa kok. Maafin aku juga ya Faula. AKu udah maksa-maksa kamu untuk minjemin aku LKS B.Indonesia kamu walau akhirnya aku gak di bolehin minjem LKSnya. Maaf juga aku udah marah sama kamu.”
Faula  : “Iya” (sambil bersalaman dengan Aulia)
Windy: “Ya udah. Mulai sekarang, jangan ada lagi yang marahan gara-gara masalah kecil kayak gini. Aulia, kamu jangan gampang marah kalau Faula gak mau ngasih contekan PR B.Indonesianya. Faula, walau kamu gak mau ngasih contekan, seenggaknya kamu bantuin Aulia ngerjain PRnya.”
Faula  : “Iya deh. AKu ga akan gitu lagi.”
Aulia   : “Iya, aku juga ga akan gitu lagi. Makasih ya. Berkat kalian, kita baikan lagi.”
Alvio   : “Iya, hehe.”

            Semenjak itu, hubungan Aulia dan Faula membaik kembali setelah di bantu oleh 5 sahabat.


Senin, 19 September 2011

Miley Cyrus Quetos

  • You don't have to go out and party every night. You can act because it's your dream. 
  • You can't live a positive life with a negative mind and if you have a positive outcome you have a positive income and just to have more positivity and just to kind of laugh it off. 
  • With yourself, I think you have to decide the kind of person that you really want to be, and for me, it's just a sweet girl.
  • When preparing for a concert, I do lots of training. I work with a choreographer to create great moves and then I have to keep my voice strong with lessons. 
  • There's nothing more fun than being out on stage and getting the vibe from the crowd. There's nothing like being on a set where you are there to make other people happy and to make them laugh. That's the best job in the world.
  • There are so many people that have come up to me during our shows and tell me: "The hour that we are watching your show is the hour that my kids are happiest and are smiling, they are laughing," and that is what I long to do. 
  • The only people that you really have, that I learned, are your family, because they love you no matter what.
  • The best part of my carreer is getting to meet so many different people, because I learn so much from everyone.
  • Pink isn't just a color, it's an attitude!
  • My mom is always telling me it takes a long time to get to the top, but a short time to get to the bottom. 
  • My favourite sport is cheerleading! 
  • My dad says I could sing before I could talk, if that's possible. I was always humming and things like that.
  • Music is what I breath, what I love to do. It keeps me alive.
  • Life is all about having a good time.
  • If you believe in yourself anything is possible.
  • If I could get any animal it would be a dolphin. I want one so bad. Me and my mom went swimming with dolphins and I was like, 'How do we get one of those?' and she was like, 'You can't get a dolphin. What are you gonna do, like, put it in your pool?' 
  • I've got high standards when it comes to boys. As my dad says, all girls should! I'm from the South - Tennessee, to be exact - and down there, we're all about southern hospitality. I know that if I like a guy, he better be nice, and above all, my dad has to approve of him! (
  • I'm pretty outspoken. 
  • I told my mom, 'I'm not buying another magazine until I can get past this thought of looking like the girl on the cover'. She said, "Miley, you are the girl on the cover,' and I was, like, 'I know, but I don't feel like that girl every day.' You can't always feel perfect. 
  • I think my dad is a lot cooler than other dads. He still acts like he's still 17. 
  • I think Hannah gets nervous just like any other person would. She's like a dork, personally. She's just really, really fun
  • I probably have an earlier curfew than anyone. My mom wants to keep me really safe and my dad's not overly protective, but he's a dad no matter what.
  • I need more friends. It's kind of like my quest right now just to have more true friends.
  • I love to sleep. I'd sleep all day if I could. 
  • I have four shelves covered with journals that I've written. Dad and I are writing songs together. I've probably written 100 songs.
  • I get more anxious than nervous before a concert.
  • I don't want to be perfect, but I do want to be a role model. My mom always tells me that imperfections equal beauty. All of us are imperfect. 
  • I come from this really small town near Nashville, Tennessee, where everything was la-di-da and normal. 
  • I am so excited to let fans in on how important my relationship with my family is to me. I hope to motivate mothers and daughters to build lifetimes of memories together and inspire kids around the world to live their dreams. 
  • I am not very good at keeping secrets at all! If you want your secret kept do not tell me! 
  • I am fully committed to Hannah Montana. It's what gave me this amazing opportunity to reach out to so many people. I'm really excited about our new season. We are making great new episodes that I can't wait for our fans to see and I'm looking forward to the "Hannah Montana" movie that will be out in the spring. 
  • As soon as I step on that stage, nothing matters. I don't think of it as work. It's just so much fun. 
  • (About her character) I think Hannah gets nervous just like any other person would. She`s like a dork, personally. She`s just really, really fun.
  • I`ll be out with my friends and be recognized, and little girls will ask me for my autograph. It is so much fun living out your dream. It (Her show "Hannah Montana") totally reflects me 100%.
  • Sometimes I`ll be punky, the next day I`ll be preppy. Every day after work, my mom and I go shopping. My dad is about to kill me. I say, "We need it, daddy!".
  • My dad and I talk all the time about the important stuff in my life. He and my mom know how much I appreciate them and our relationship is good because we spend time together. I am happy to be a part of this day to help other kids feel the same way.
  • (When asked which character is more fun to play, Miley Stewart or Hannah Montana) I have more fun playing Hannah, because I like to sing and dress up.
  • (On her dad) I think my dad is a lot cooler than other dads. He still acts like he`s still 17.
  • It`s been an insane year. I watched my dad doing this my whole life, and then it was my turn to step up to the plate and follow in his footsteps. It`s been my dream to sing, but I also thought it would be cool to act and get to be someone else. Having this amazing role of Hannah Montana, where I get to sing and act, has been really fun.
  • I`ve always loved singing, and I`ve always loved acting and dancing. Getting this opportunity with Disney (the role of Hannah Montana), I get to do it all. They let you do everything you love.
  • If you believe in yourself anything is possible.
  • As soon as I read the script (For Hannah Montana), I knew it kinda related to me. I wanted to disguise myself as not some celebrity`s daughter, just be me and find people that like me for me.
  • My dad says I could sing before I could talk, if that`s possible. I was always humming and things like that.
  • In general, I like guys who are musicians or into music like I am. I need a guy who`s calmer than i am because I`m hyper and my mom tells me I need one who has a T-Mobile cell plan, like mine, so my phone bill won`t be outrageous.
  • I`m not letting any stupid decisions get in my way. I want to be a role model, letting girls know that they can follow their dreams.
  • It`s a long ride to the top, but it`s only a short ride down, so it makes me very nervous. I`m like, "Oh my gosh, am I doing enough? Do people still like my music?" I get really stressed out over that.
  • I`ve got high standards when it comes to boys. As my dad says, all girls should! I`m from the South--Tennessee, to be exact--and down there, we`re all about southern hospitality. I know that if I like a guy, he better be nice, and above all, my dad has to approve of him!
  • I do love meeting fans, but sometimes, when I look horrible and see people, I`m like, "Oh no, they`re going to be scarred for life. They`re never going to look at me the same way!" But it`s still fun meeting new people.

  • I need more friends. It`s kind of like my quest right now just to have more true friends.
  • Some people don`t have a family to fall back on, like I have, and that`s when something greater than even that comes in and that`s faith and that`s what I have for me. That`s what keeps me strong.

Freddie Highmore

First Name : Freddie
Middle Name : Thomas
Last Name : Highmore
Full Name at Birth : Alfred Thomas Highmore
Other Names : Freddie Thomas Highmore
Age : 19
Date of Birth : 14 February, 1992
Birthplace : Hampstead, London
Height : 5' 6" (168 cm)
Build : Slim
Eye Color : Blue
Hair Color : Brown - Light
Star Sign : Aquarius
Religion : Christian
Ethnicity : White
Nationality : English
High School : Highgate School
Occupation Category : Actor
Claim to Fame
Finding Neverland (2004-2005), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Official Website : freddie-highmore.org
Father : Edward Highmore
Mother : Sue Latimer
Brother(s) : Albert "Bertie" Samuel Highmore
Friends : Daniel Radcliffe, Logan Lerman
Favorite Movies : The Shawshank Redemption [1994], Blade Runner
Favorite TV Shows : Family Guy
Favorite Bands : Plain White T's, Coldplay, James Blunt, Frank Sinatra
Favorite Songs : Hey There Delilah (Plain White T's) [2007]
Favorite Books : The Catcher In The Rye, Lord Of The Flies, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
Favorite Colors : Blue

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

MTV Video Music Awards 2011

Miley Cyrus
Demi Lovato

                                                                  Justin Bieber

                                                                        Selena Gomez
                                                                      Lady Gaga
                                                                     Katy Perry
                                                               Rebecca Black
                                                                        Jessie J     

                                                                 Victoria Justice
                                                               Britney Spears

Menurutmu, siapa yang paling cantik? (Miley Cyrus dong :D) Btw... TAYLOR SWIFT NYA MANA???!

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Lirik lagu The Climb - Miley Cyrus

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa

Taylor Swift Photoshot (Teen Vogue)

tau deh gelap. pengen aja upload foto Taylor Swift. haha

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Demi Lovato's New Album

Hey.. pasti udah pada denger single Demi Lovato yang judul nya Skyscraper kan? Single itu adalah salah satu lagu dari album baru Demi yang judul albumnya "Unbroken". Album ini di kabarakan akan rilis pada tanggal 20 September 2011.

Lagu-lagu yang ada di album "Unbroken" :
  1. All Night Long Ft. Missy Elliott and Timbaland
  2. Who's That Boy Ft. Dev
  3. You're My Only Shorty Ft. Iyaz
  4. Together Ft. Jason Derulo
  5. Lightweight
  6. Unbroken
  7. Fix a Heart
  8. Hold Up
  9. Mistake
  10. Give Your Heart a Break
  11. Skyscraper
  12. In Real Life
  13. My Love Is Like a Star
  14. For The Love of a Daughter
  15. Skyscraper (Wizz Dumb Remix)

wah.. udah ga sabar nunggu albumnya rilis ya Lovatics ;)

Lirik lagu Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift

you're little hands wrapped around my finger
and, it's so quiet in the world tonight
you're little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming
so, i tuck you in
turn on your favorite night light
to you, everything's funny
you got nothing to regret
i'd give all i had, honey
if you could stay like that

oh, darling don't you ever grow up
don't you ever grow up
just stay this little
oh, darling don't you ever grow up
don't you ever grow up
it can stay this simple

i won't let nobody hurt you, won't let no one break your heart
and no one will desert you
just try to never grow up, and never grow up

you're in the car on the way to the movies
and, you're mortified
you're mom's dropping you off
at, fourteen there's just so much you can't do
and you can't wait to move out someday and call your own shots
but, don't make her drop you off around the block
remember that she's getting older too
and don't lose the way that you dance around in your pj's getting ready for school

oh, darling don't you ever grow up
don't you ever grow up
just stay this little
oh, darling don't you ever grow up
don't you ever grow up
it can stay this simple

and no one's ever burned you
nothing's ever left you scarred
and even though you want to
just try to never grow up

take pictures in your mind of your childhood room
memorize what it sounded like when your dad get's home
remember the footsteps, remember the words said
and all you're little brothers favorite songs
i just realized everything i had is someday gonna be gone

so, here i am in my new apartment
in a big city, they just dropped me off
it's so much colder than i thought it would be
so, i tucked myself in and turned my night light on
wish i'd never grown up
i wish i'd never grown up

oh, i don't wanna grow up
wish i'd never grown up
could still be little
oh, i don't wanna grow up
wish i'd never grown up
it could still be simple

oh, darling don't you ever grow up
don't you ever grow up
just stay this little
oh, darling don't you ever grow up
don't you ever grow up
it can stay this simple

won't let nobody hurt you
won't let no one break your heart
and even you want to
please, try to never grow up

oh, whoa
don't you ever grow up
oh, whoa
never grow up
just never grow up
hey.. welcome to my blog :D